Our Focus

Oil Trading
We operate an oil trading group that works to profit from price volatility, price change in the oil market specifically the Brent / WTI markets, we work to secure enough profit to cover the cost of gas in our vehicle for an entire year.

Crypto Currency Research
Our research group studies the Genesis block for both bitcoin and ethereum blockchains, we study exploits, faults, software bugs, programming errors and more.
Looking to the Future.

In our current planning stage to construct a complex multi spectrum speaker system to put under Water to help relieve stress on Coral with complex sound & accompanying vibrations.
Coral is one of the oldest living Animals on Earth, effective upon all living organisms on Earth, effective upon Air Quality, pH Balance in our Oceans Water and Climate Change.

We are working to build the framework for a revolutionary change in how we grow a Seed, using SeaWater. Our belief is that first we must help relieve stress on Coral with complex sound, after doing so, we will change the way we grow a Seed, using SeaWater.
Agriculture, a revolutionary change can help us to achieve a level of Peace across the World.

Anti Aging
We are working to determine how a Human might stop aging, not reverse aging, stop aging. It's our belief that in order to succeed with a Human Brain Transplant it's possible the individual might need to go through a procedure before hand that stops the aging process.

Human Brain Transplant
Our Project to conduct research on a future Human Brain Transplant, to help successfully perform a Human to Human Brain Transplant can help in the field of certain type of disease that doesn't affect the Brain as well as for anti aging purposes.
World Peace - Love